
Trump is Not a Messiah, Nor is he a God/Man.

I literally saw a video from a supposed Christian who was proclaiming that Trump is the savior, and a god/man. Let me just take a moment to explain something. Trump is not God, nor is he a little god, or a god/man! He is a sinner, who was created by God, just like the rest of us. When I put up anti-demoncrap posts, it is because all of them, from my perspective, are pro-evil. I am against almost everything they claim to be for, not because I’m being contrarian, but rather, they are choosing what God has judged in His word as evil, and rebellion. As a Christian, even though I’m guilty of evil, I know better, and try to do right by God, but fail. When I fail, it is in the direction of righteousness, not in the trajectory of satan’s rebellion. When I put up pro-Trump posts, it is because he is the alternative candidate, who at least seems to be for many of the things I am for. While considering this, I also know that he is not for everything he should be for, and he is not against everything he should be against, but if given the choice between an obvious servant/servants of satan, and a misguided man with good intentions, who did some pretty good things the last time, I’ll choose the latter. Remember, Trump is not God. He is not a demigod. He is not a god/man. He is simply a sinful man like the rest of us, but perhaps less spiritually mature than many young Christians, if he is even a Christian.

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