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What is the difference between a sojourning alien with Israel and an invading army?



What is the difference between a sojourning alien with Israel and an invading army? Sojourners were circumcised and obeyed the laws of Israel and became Israelites. In light of how the refugees are behaving in Europe we need to consider how to deal with them here. Are they truly refugees or an invading army? If we see what has been done by them in Europe, we can trust they will do the same here when their numbers are great enough. After all it is what the quran says to do.
Most Americans haven’t seen the videos of the atrocities being perpetrated against the Europeans. They have no clue of what they are in for. It is a fine thing to show Christian love and charity to honest refugees. Let’s do it in a manner in which we can control it. Let’s be wise in our efforts to help. We have a responsibility to our citizens and fellow countrymen as well. We must love them to. We cannot love our enemy at the expense of our countrymen. Unless the left’s idea of helping refugees is internment camps, we should reduce the numbers and take the time to identify them and clear them before we allow them open access to our country. I would go as far to say that we should only allow Christian refugees instead of Islamic refugees. The Islamic ones should stay and denounce the violence committed in the name of their god. Most people out here know what a jack-mormon is. It is a mormon who doesn’t practice everything their prophet tells them to, they don’t go to church very often, they don’t pay their dues, they don’t abstain from drinking, but they consider themselves mormon. Well the muslims who don’t kill, or wage jihad, or make Christians pay the jizyah, or support the jihad against us infidels, or who don’t read the quran or know what it says are the jack-muslims of the world. Real muslims hate them almost as much as they hate us. So those so called peaceful muslims are not real muslims and they don’t follow the quran the way the real muslims do. What the so called extremist are really is nothing more complex than real, genuine, true believers in the islam of the quran. So I’ve had enough liberal nonsense. People really need to read the quran and study history.